

Fascia is a three-dimensional network of tissue that runs through your body, shapes it and connects all body systems with each other. Fascia is everywhere: muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, blood vessels, nerve endings…  everything is enveloped or even permeated by fascia. Fascia consists of elastin, collagen fibres, connective tissue cells and fluid and forms a huge network that keeps your muscles and organs in the right position and runs through your entire body from the surface to the depths.

For a long time, science and medicine did not attach much importance to fascia. But in recent years, research has made significant progress and new findings have led us to realise that fascia actually plays an essential role in our health and well-being. Fascia is therefore becoming more and more of a focus for us and since it has become clear that fascia can even be specifically trained, various forms of fascia training have found their way into our sports and exercise programmes.

You can also train your fascia at Nanea. And fascia training is definitely much more than just exercise. Try it out!

The Fascia offer from Nanea

«Myofascial training» is based on various movement practices and specific body techniques that focus on the fascial structures. «Myo» refers to the muscles, «fascia» is the term for the all-encompassing, web-like tissue that shapes our body and connects our body systems. These connections (also called meridians) are targeted through «Myofascial training» to increase dynamic stability, strength and flexibility in the body.

We work with small equipment such as massage balls to improve blood and oxygen circulation in the body, stimulate energy flow and release tension. When elasticity, glide and nourishment are promoted in the myofascial structures, this leads to a more balanced posture and more efficient movement patterns in everyday life. The body’s self-healing powers are stimulated, resilience is increased and body awareness refined. A training for body, mind and soul. «Myofascial training» is suitable for beginners as well as for advanced practitioners.


Possible at any time (ongoing lessons, all levels)


  • Monday, 7:45 – 8:45 pm
  • Tuesday, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
  • Thursday, 9:00 – 10:00 am

In «Fascia Release», adhesions and tensions in the fascia tissue of the body are specifically detected and released using various tools such as balls, rollers, yoga blocks etc. This stretches the fascia tissue and allows it to let go, blood and lymph flow is improved, muscular blockages, tension and shortening are reduced, and the range of motion in the joints is improved. Releasing fascia on a regular basis can reduce the overall effects of stress on the body.


Possible at any time (ongoing lessons, all levels)


  • Thursday, 10:15 – 11:15 am

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