Hypopressive training

Hypopressive training

«Hypopressive training» is also known as «Low pressure training». «Hypo» means less, «pressive» comes from pressure, so less pressure. And this is exactly what happens during this training: the pressure in the abdominal cavity (intra-abdominal pressure), is reduced.

In contrast, most traditional training methods increase our intra-abdominal pressure and can weaken our pelvic floor, unbalance the interaction of the abdominal muscles or change the position of our abdominal and pelvic organs.

«Hypopressive training» uses posture and breathing exercises to strengthen the deep muscles. Although this also happens with many other forms of exercise, there is one thing that sets hypopressive training apart from everything you have learnt so far: A special breathing technique is used to create a vacuum in the abdomen. This creates a negative pressure and at the same time a suction effect, which leads to a lifting of the internal organs via the fascial traction lines and relieves them.

This is a real game changer and could be the solution to your discomfort and pain!

Training can prevent and improve the following symptoms:

  • Incontinence
  • Pelvic floor problems
  • Organ prolapse
  • Diastasis recti
  • Hernias
  • Bloating, constipation
  • Back pain
  • Depression (also postnatal), mood swings
  • Poor posture

«Hypopressive training» is also breathing training, as it trains the diaphragm and thus improves oxygen supply and lung function. This is why athletes who want to improve their performance also benefit from «Hypopressive training» as a supplement to their sport.

On a psychological level, «Hypopressive training» can reduce stress (the central nervous system is calmed), reduce feelings of anxiety, boost self-confidence and increase energy and concentration.

«Hypopressive training» is a training without pressure or impact and therefore also ideal for women after giving birth – either as a supplement to a postnatal course or instead of one. If you have recently given birth, please get in touch with Nanea so that we can discuss together when the right time is for you to start «Hypopressive training».

The Hypopressive training offer from Nanea

In the beginners course you will learn about breathing, the vacuum, posture and the basic positions of «Hypopressive training» so that you can continue the training at home. A training session of approx. 10 minutes 2-3 times a week is recommended.


No prior knowledge necessary. Please note the information under «Info» and the contraindications below.

Course dates 2024:

Course 1 (evening)
Tuesdays, 7.45 – 8.45 pm
Course dates: 28.5. / 4.6. / 11.6. / 18.6. / 25.6. / 2.7. / 9.7. – completed

Course 2 (morning)
Fridays, 8.30 – 9.30 am
Course dates: 31.5. / 7.6. / 14.6. / 21.6. / 28.6. / 5.7. / 12.7. – completed

Course 3 (evening)
Tuesdays, 7.45 – 8.45 pm
Course dates: 13.8. / 20.8. / 27.8. / 3.9. / 10.9. / 17.9. / 24.9.

Course 4 (morning)
Fridays, 8.30 – 9.30 am
Course dates: 16.8. / 23.8. / 30.8. / 6.9. / 13.9. / 20.9. / 27.9.

Course 5 (evening)
Tuesdays, 7.45 – 8.45 pm
Course dates: 22.10. / 29.10. / 5.11. / 12.11. / 19.11. / 26.11. / 3.12.

Course 6 (morning)
Fridays, 8.30 – 9.30 am
Course dates: 25.10. / 1.11. / 8.11. / 15.11. / 22.11. / 29.11. / 6.12.

Course dates 2025:

To follow asap


  • Early Bird price for course 5 + 6 (for bookings until 22 September 2024): CHF 210
  • Regular price: CHF 245


  • This is a closed, 7-week course and builds on itself. Therefore it is unfortunately not possible to join an ongoing course. Please reserve all course dates in good time, as missed course units cannot be made up.
  • The courses are also open to anyone who has already attended a beginner’s course in «Hypopressive training» and would like to continue, deepen the method and just stick with it.


«Hypopressive Training» is not suitable for

  • Pregnancy
  • High blood pressure
  • Abdominal inflammation (Crohn’s disease, colitis, gastritis, urinary tract infections, etc.)
  • Cardiac problems (heart disease, risk of heart attack)
  • Lung diseases
  • After organ transplants
  • Shortly after the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD)

If in doubt, please consult your physician before starting training.

If you have recently given birth, please get in touch with Nanea so that we can discuss together when the right time is for you to start «Hypopressive training».

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